Introducing featured AGM24 Speakers, David Hancock and Rosemary Abowd highlighting the GMU24.
This year, LIPA’s AGM24 will include a Global Market Update, covering most Laser Illuminated Projector segments, both Cinema and non-cinema.
David Hancock, Chief Analyst for OMDIA, will give a talk entitled: “Cinema: Recovery on hold for 2024 – but Rosier Times Ahead”
Abstract: Cinema is undergoing a faltering recovery from its full closure in 2020, and some unforeseen obstacles have made it difficult to regain a momentum in film supply and therefore recreate the cinema-going habit to the same extent. However, these issues are working through and the outlook is more positive for 2025 and beyond.
Rosemary Abowd is the Senior Analyst for PMA Research. Her talk is entitled “Global Projector Market Outlook” and will present an update of multiple key segments for Laser Illuminated Projectors such as Professional, Education, Commercial and will discuss trends, new applications and competitive technologies.
After the presentations, there will be a roundtable discussion of the rapidly changing markets for displays and the interaction between Cinema and Professional segments in terms of technology, operations, image quality and content sources. There will be several panelists and audience participation is encouraged.
The LIPA Annual General Meeting (AGM24) will take place on Thursday, November 21, 2024 at Hilton Los Angeles/Universal City in Universal City, CA! Please consider joining us. Visit our site here for further information on the event and here for a complete list of speakers.